'Tumpang' or 'AutoStop'...
On 24th December 2016 which is the first time I meet him after the bridge of Endau, Johor at near small shop at Rompin, Pahang. He was holding piece of a paper box and it was writing "TUMPANG".
That day I and Ika was on the way to our exworkmate wedding ceremony in Kuantan, Pahang. When I see him beside the road with cloudy weather, I feel pity of him and I ask Ika that if we can give a ride to the tourist. Then, Ika said as you want. So I do U-turn and I said
“Hello, where are you going?”
And he answered “I’am going to Kuantan.”
Then I said “Oh, we also go to Kuantan. Come and follow us.”
Before we continue to Kuantan, we stop at Rompin s market and Ika s house. Then I offer him to join to my friend wedding ceremony. The first persone that tell to get married, it was Ika and then Naimah s mother. It was strange but when he come to visit my family, there were more people ask me that if he was my husband or someone special to me.
The picture at my workmate wedding ceremony. Alhamdulillah everybody is happy with my new friend even they and also me do not know him...haha...lol...
This picture we took the day after I give ride to him, for memory actually but nowww it was really our memory. The memory that we will tell to our children, Insyaallah. Allah is the best planner. Subahanallah and Alhamdulillah.